August 31, 2010
August 30, 2010
Death in the pumpkin patch
Just when we thought we had a winner in our patch, a few days later it turned yellow and shriveled off the vine. But we looked around the vine and saw another pumpkin showing up so it might not be over yet.
Posted by Mandy at 3:32 PM 0 tombstones
August 29, 2010
Halloween Outing
We made a stop at our local Jo-Ann Fabrics to see what they have Halloween this year. A lot of good stuff I have to say, some of which we may buy later. I like that they always have a good amount of dollar stuff there as well.We left with one purchase, a dollar candy corn pencil sharpener lol. I couldn't resist it and I don't know why. I think maybe next time one of those dolly cats or pumpkins may come home with us.
Posted by Mandy at 6:02 PM 0 tombstones
Labels: Jo-Ann
August 28, 2010
Pumpkin Spirits
The pumpkin beers and ales are hitting the shelves now. I haven't tried these brands since all I've tried was Post Road Pumpkin Ale, Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale and Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale. Which all three I never really liked all that much lol. But I heard a lot of good stuff about O'Fallon Pumpkin Beer so I might have try it out soon before it vanishes like it did last year before I even got to see it.
Posted by Mandy at 4:26 PM 0 tombstones
August 23, 2010
Halloween Feets
Just showing my new Halloween Pjs lol. Bought them at Garden Ridge the other day. They have tons of styles and they have tops too *which I bought too* I went with the green even though the purple was calling to me :p The slippers are something I've had for a few years, dunno if you can buy them anymore.
Posted by Mandy at 1:56 PM 0 tombstones
August 21, 2010
We have pumpkins!
Finally after so long...we have pumpkns. One bigger pumpkin and a tiny one, which I dunno if it will live. I have high hopes for the bigger one though.
Posted by Mandy at 7:40 PM 0 tombstones
August 15, 2010
Things you can do..
with one jar of pumpkin butter! Silly post I know but I like this stuff and it's pumpkin.
By far the BEST pumpkin butter I've ever had!
Pumpkin pancakes (moist and yummy)
Pumpkin Muffin (moist and even better with pumpkin butter on top)
Posted by Mandy at 7:34 PM 0 tombstones
August 13, 2010
Happy Friday the 13th!
Have a safe and spooky one ;)
Photo credit by Areldos
Posted by Mandy at 2:52 PM 0 tombstones
August 12, 2010
Back from were ever I was
Back just in time for some amazing Halloween Fun !!!
Posted by jesterween at 8:30 PM 0 tombstones
August 10, 2010
Home Goods get into the Halloween Spirit early
My local Home Goods store has exploded with Halloween goodies already. There were some new stuff and old stuff from last year which I am happy to see since I didn't get one of the things I liked last year.
Posted by Mandy at 5:16 PM 0 tombstones
Labels: HomeGoods
August 2, 2010
Pumpkin Progress Pt. 3
A lot of green growth but no pumpkins yet! The female flowers are no getting pollinated so they're shriveling off the vine :/ Is there a contest for the biggest pumpkin vine? It's going to get to the road soon and start grabbing cars..or dogs that try to pee in the yard.
Posted by Mandy at 5:23 PM 0 tombstones