October 8, 2010

Happy October

Sorry for not posting in a while but we both got sick :/ Seems like clockwork when we hit October! But we are feeling much better now so I'll be making more posts again. I'll be making a post this weekend on the prizes I won from the Trick or Treat Street Contest, they really cheered me up when they showed up in the mail when we were sick.

(Photo by me and yes that is a one eared cat, he lives around the neighborhood)

September 26, 2010

It's Alive!

Sorry always wanted to say that.

It seems our pumpkin vine is pulling a surprise on us these past few days.

Ichabod has made a full recovery with battle scars to prove it from the whole pumpkin massacre. Since we've started to get rain here more often he has gotten more bigger too but I see a tint of yellow/orange which can only mean the ripening will start soon.

On weather news...it's finally Autumn weather!! It was 59 degrees out today and the rest of the week looks about the same so far.

September 23, 2010

Welcome Fall!

Today is the first day of Autumn but it doesn't quite feel like it yet with the 90 degree plus weather. I'm hoping it starts to cool down soon as the both of us want to make our way to some pumpkin patches.

Witchy Pumpkin

Sorry for such a short post here but wanted to share the new buddy to our Halloween collection. He was the last one at Target and we had to snag him up. Also...pumpkin poptarts are all gone at our store, here's to hoping they restock them soon.

September 16, 2010

Pumpkin Massacre..

The skies darkened as the tree cutters came..we knew they were coming but not this soon..they were told to handle the pumpkins with kid gloves...these words were not heeded.

When the tree cutters left (without a word of what they did) is when we saw what they did to the pumpkins.

Our pumpkin vines were torn from the ground, strewn about the yard..a piece here, a piece there..a Pumpkin Massacre in our front yard. Even the green beans that were being guarded by the pumpkins were killed.

The damage done was not caused by the tree branches but were torn from the ground and thrown to the side like garbage.

These huge vines were all growing straight, now they lay mangled, broken and rootless. Ichabod took a gash to the top, Lil' Jack's roots were gone and the leaves near him look like a weed whacker was taken to them.

We harvested Lil's Jack in hopes he'll finish turning orange on the porch.

We have no idea if Ichabod will survive with his head wound and with barely any good vine left with him. And he had such a penitential to grow more..

(We did not hire these tree cutters, the land lord did. We thought they weren't going to come for a while as it looked like it was going to rain. They were told to not touch/move the pumpkins or the vines.)

September 15, 2010

News from the Pumpkin Patch

We thought our vines were finished with giving us any more pumpkins but to our surprise it gave us another one, so that brings us to two. This second one has been growing rapidly, don't know if it's because of the change of weather or what.

This is our first pumpkin which I've named Lil' Jack. It is already turning orange so this is probably as big as it will get, about the size of an ostrich egg I think. It got munched on by some ants or some other bug on the side.

Named this one Ichabod, still growing pretty good.

It's raining now and starting to cool down...stay in there lil guys!

Trick or Treat Street!

These three creative sellers are giving away prizes! Please follow these intructions :)

(Please keep in mind that this is not my giveaway!)

Good "Trick or Treaters" are given surprises.
Follow the instructions to qualify for prizes!

Sept 14th: Leave a comment on each blog to qualify for a prize from each artist.
*For those not familiar with blogging: Comments can be left at the bottom of this post.* If you do not have a blogger acct. Please leave your name & email address with your comment. Thank you!

Sept 15th: Mention Trick or Treat Street on YOUR blog, with a link back to one of us, leave us a comment about it and you qualify for the days prizes.

Sept 16th: Visit one last time and leave each of us a comment to qualify for yet another prize from each artist.

Sept 17th: One lucky trick or treater will have their name drawn (at random) from all of the comments and will receive the GRAND PRIZE - An original art piece from each artist.

(Randomly selected Winners will be announced on Each blog, Each day! - check to see if your name is a winner andemail us to collect your prize.)

September 13, 2010

Weekend Trek

I meant to post this yesterday but we were both still kinda under the weather which is why I haven't posted lately on here.

We started our Sunday out with a trip to a local flea market which turned out to have a lot of Halloween treasures hidden through (sorry no real photos, was baking like a lobster lol) One item someone was selling really caught my eye enough to snap a photo of it, an 1854 tombstone (sorry for the blurry photo, took it real quick) Strange thing to see at a flea market really. Makes you wonder how it ended up here, since there are many ways for that to happen. The man was asking $150.00 for it.

We left the flea market with one item, surprisingly. A pumpkin candle holder.

After spending a good few hours eying all the Halloween stuff we made our way to Target to see if they have gotten their Halloween goodies out in which they did, here's the photos we took.

Pumpkin Poptarts!!!

Emergency Chocolate

For immediate relief of: Halloween mayhem, fake Frakensteins, plastic spiders and fake blood.
Directions for use: Snap off into single pieces and throw at suspects from the nearest window. Break into bigger pieces and throw if suspect returns with big brother or a large wooden object. If truly desperate hand over entire bar to these extortionist and retire.

That's it for now, I'll post more photos from Home Goods since they've gotten more since our last trip there.

September 7, 2010

Melody's first Halloween stuff

Happy Halloween Melody

The best Halloween.

I am happy for this is my first Halloween out of the Marine Corps in 9 Halloweens, and my daughters Melody's first.

September 6, 2010

My House Halloween Style !!!

My daughter Loves the orange lights. Much more to add.