September 27, 2009
Cedar Point's "The Overlord" Commerical for Halloweekends
Posted by Mandy at 6:10 PM 0 tombstones
Labels: Cedar Point, Halloweekends
September 20, 2009
FrightFest Part 1
We made a trip out to Six Flags on Saturday, rode a bunch of rides and took photos of what they were setting up so far for FrightFest. Our trip was cut short when the sky started to turn dark, we fled the park just in time when it started pouring down the rain. We are going to go back a few times during FrightFest though so look for more photos around October 1st!
Posted by Mandy at 8:02 PM 0 tombstones
Labels: FrightFest, Six Flags
September 15, 2009
HalloWeekends site up
Sorry I haven't posted much lately, family emergency. I finally got around to checking out Cedar Point's site, they've put up the site for their Halloween event. Makes me want to run back to Ohio, hubby in tow and go there. Their haunted houses are pretty good and so is the haunted walk, always loved that.
HalloWeekends at Cedar Point
Their blog post.
Posted by Mandy at 6:51 PM 0 tombstones
September 10, 2009
Our Loot
Like I said, not very much right now lol. Didn't take a photo of two things, one is in the freezer and the other, I don't know! We are going to ordering a few things online because I know my luck, they'll vanish from the stores before I even get to see them.
Posted by Mandy at 11:02 AM 0 tombstones
September 8, 2009
Not feeling too great today..
But I might take a photo of our Halloween swag so far this year, not much though. Most of my Halloween collection is still back in Ohio for the moment, I was only able to take a few stuff with me on the plane!
Posted by Mandy at 10:19 AM 0 tombstones
September 6, 2009
Win My Flowery Shorts!
No, not mine, Raven's Barrow! I've been a big fan of his site for a while, love getting new posts in my email when I log in. My one stop for news about Horror and Halloween, subscribe to him if you haven't already! He currently has a contest running, I will show you a bit here but you need to go to his site for the rest of it.
I’ve got too much stuff around and since I’m hitting cons this month there will soon be more. Thus I plan to give some of it to one lucky winner. It’s the “Win My Flowery Shorts” contest here at the Barrow. The name will make sort of sense once you watch the video above - it’s really horrible but you gotta suffer if you want free stuff. If you can’t see it then click - Cheesy Doofus Thinks He Can Act and Do Comedy. Here’s the deal.
Click here for the rest.
It is really nice of these blog owners to do this, so show them some support :)
Posted by Mandy at 6:46 PM 0 tombstones
Labels: Contest, The Raven's Barrow
September 1, 2009
Skull Book Giveaway!
EDIT: This contest is being held by Grim Visions, not me! There is even a link at the bottom of this post to his site. I had to make this more clearer.
I meant to blog about Grim Visions sooner but have been busy with soo much. You don't want to know how many word files I have for stuff. Anywho.. onto visions made grim..The Giveaway is for one of my Skull Book Lights: What arcane tome is this? Perfect for a cluttered spell crafter’s desk or witches bookshelf, this ancient tome with a aged skull and battery operated flickering tea light candle is nice for anytime or your Halloween display. Each one is OOAK and may look slightly different than the pictures shown here. Each one is crafted with great attention to detail.
Contest Ends: Sept 13th 2009, 12 Midnight PST
I have no followers on my blog currently so to begin with follow my blog (to the right of this post) and get 1 entry:
Note: Even if you just follow please leave a comment or it makes it very difficult to track who is who and count entries. Without a comment I won’t count the entry.
* Add me & Tweet about this contest on – comment here with a link to your tweet (=1 entry)
* Blog about this giveaway and/or my shop on your blog (not just a link in your blogroll, come on this is for 2 entries folks) (=2 entries)
* Add me & post about this giveaway on Facebook (=1 entries) (I need Fans)
Be sure to leave links for me to follow because I won’t know if you don’t tell me! Also, be sure to leave me a way to contact you if you don’t have contact info available on Blogger (your Etsy shop, email, etc…).
Winner will be chosen at random using Random.Org and will have 3 days from announcement to claim winnings. If the winner does not come forward I shall once again consult Random.Org. This giveaway is open to team mates, friends and all! Since this is my 1st Giveaway and I normal dont ship worldwide I am limiting it to US & Canadian residents only.
Posted by Mandy at 4:35 PM 3 tombstones
Labels: Giveaway, GrimVisions