Till October! Are you as excited as I am? I hope so!
September 30, 2008
One more day!
Posted by Mandy at 9:48 AM 0 tombstones
Labels: Autumn, Countdown, Fall, Hallowe'en, Halloween, Harvest, Pumpkin, Samhain
September 20, 2008
Halloween Explosion
A lot more stores have jumped on the Halloween bandwagon, which I like! Let’s get this post rolling by starting with photos from Wal-mart, my local Wal-Mart has just about everything out, only a few shelves are empty, believe they’ll be totally done today. Also they have the first pumpkins I've seen since the start of the season.
Onto Target, the day I went there, they had tons more still to get out. I don’t know about you but I liked Edgar and Ellen better than Domo but everyone has different thoughts about it. I see so many new things this year, really want the big pumpkin with his mouth open for candy or lights.
My K-Mart doesn’t have too much stuff this year but that could change as time rolls on but then again this one doesn’t get much to begin with.
Lowes has a lot of animated yard decorations that I just had to snap a photo or two of.
Don’t know how many people have a Giant Eagle but they started putting their stuff out, kinda disappointed at the tiny selection that was found.
The Dollar Tree has put some newer items out too! I had to get two things from there and I’ll post a photo of them later but for now here is the setup I found.
And finally Walgreens, I got around to taking photos of their stuff. They have some new items that weren’t there from my last visit so take a peek at your local one and see what you find.
Posted by Mandy at 12:54 PM 0 tombstones
Labels: Autumn, Fall, Hallowe'en, Halloween, Harvest, Marc's, Walgreens
September 14, 2008
September 13, 2008
Talking skull
Got it for free at a local place so thought I'd share a quick video of it in action.
Posted by Mandy at 9:25 AM 0 tombstones
September 12, 2008
September 8, 2008
Oldies but goodies Part 1
I remember when Disney had great Halloween movie (don’t get me wrong, kinda like the Halloweentown movie series) I spent forever trying to remember a movie they showed in the 80’s till I found it on YouTube, ah I love that site for helping me relive those moments.
Mr. Boogedy
The movie came out in 1986, they also rerunned it years after it came out. I remember watching that and the part that stuck out at me and made me remember it was sweeper part and toys coming to life after the current home owners.
A novelty-salesman moves his family into a new house in Lucifer Falls, New England. At first they think all the strange happenings are because of their Dad goofing off and the fact that it’s a new house. They find out that the place is haunted by a pilgrim named William Hanover, AKA Mr. Boogedy and the widow Marion with her son. Mr. Boogedy made a pack with the Devil, his soul for a magic cloak so he could win the heart of the widow Marion. One day when Marion’s son, Jonathan was sick and they were taking him to the doctor, Mr. Boogedy jumped out and took Jonathan to his house. He held the boy hostage, threatening Marion that if she didn’t marry him that very night, she’d never see he son again. To make sure she went along with his plane, he decided to cast his very first spell with the cloak but instead blew up his house, making it vanish into thin air. Any house that has been built on that spot has become haunted. The three of them became ghosts, haunting that area for 300 years and Jonathan still has his cold. The kids try to tell their parents that the place is haunted but don’t believe them till things in the house start coming to life and going after them. They find out later that the widow Marion cannot enter the house to get her son because the magic that keeps Mr. Boogedy in the house, keeps her out and she tells them that he has to be destroyed. Their sons later meet Jonathan in the basement, he tells them that Mr. Boogedy scared the last family that was there. The whole family finally finds Mr. Boogedy, silliness abound as he starts using the Dad’s gags against them till the younger boy got him with the shop vac that was chasing him, pulling his cloak off thus destroying him well not really because at the end, the clown pops from the vac as the Dad says “There’s no such thing as ghosts” and it says “You wanna bet!” and winks. All is well as Marion is reunited with her son. (I know I suck at synopsis!)
I really wish they’d release it on DVD, all fixed up and ready for the new kiddos but then again some parents would have a problem that Mr. Boogedy made a deal with the Devil for his cloak (which is a guy in a red devil costume) It can’t be any worse than what kids see anymore. PLEASE Disney! Put this on DVD for us older folks! They also made Bride of Boogedy, which I don’t remember at all but wish they’d put out again.
I'll be doing another movie later tonight or tomorrow.
Update: I found out that the same person on YouTube also has Bride of Boogedy. All I have to say to this person is, THANK YOU! Thank you so much!
Posted by Mandy at 12:12 PM 0 tombstones
Labels: Autumn, Disney, Fall, Hallowe'en, Halloween, Mr. Boogedy, Samhain
You may have noticed
We have another author on board here, my brother decided he wanted to join so give him a warm welcome! It will be good to have someone on the other side of the US since they get different things and have bigger Halloween bashes in California.
Posted by Mandy at 10:15 AM 0 tombstones
September 7, 2008
Leatherface can write?
Not really but I couldn't think of a better title for this post. Wanted to post about these as soon as I bought them but had so many other things to post and do that they fell to side. When I saw these while in the checkout line, I made a fan girl squeal! I just had to have them and normally I wouldn't pay that much for pens but you don't see horror movie slashers on top of pens everyday. Still want to see Pinhead on a pen..but you can't have everything!
Posted by Mandy at 10:23 AM 0 tombstones
Labels: Autumn, Fall, Freddy Krueger, Hallowe'en, Halloween, Jason Voorhees, Leatherface, Samhain, Walgreens
Pumpkin update
Only have two growing, the tiny ones in the previous post died off. They're doing great though. So here are a few photos of them so far.
Posted by Mandy at 10:06 AM 0 tombstones
Labels: Autumn, Fall, Growing, Hallowe'en, Halloween, Harvest, Pumpkin, Samhain
Skulls and tombstones
Meant to post this sooner but here you go. The two skulls are from Walgreen's.
These tombstones and garland are from Marc's, pretty good price too. Headstones are 2 for 99 cents and the garland are 3 for $1. I couldn't pass those up! Though I don't know what I'm going to do with the garland yet lol.
Posted by Mandy at 9:54 AM 0 tombstones
Labels: Autumn, Big Lots, Fall, Graveyard, Hallowe'en, Halloween, Headstones, Marc's, Samhain, Skull, Walgreens